Martin Scorsese rescues Sinatra biopic from the greasy clutches of Brett Ratner

For at least two years now, the idea of a Frank Sinatra biopic has lived in the valley of the shadow of Brett Ratner, who made very public plans to bring his supremely unctuous Rat Pack obsession to life with the help of his muse Chris Tucker, because Ratner is unfathomably cruel and the Rat Pack is too dead to say anything about it. But you can probably halt your lamentations now because Martin Scorsese, acclaimed director of Michael Jackson's "Bad" video, has announced plans to helm his own take on Sinatra, a nonlinear, "unconventional biopic" that co-producer Cathy Shulman says will be "more of a collage and, in many ways, it will feel like an album itself." (Here's hoping that album is more Wee Small Hours than Duets II.) And because this is Scorsese we're talking about, we're guessing it will also do more than just touch on Sinatra's mob connections, and will probably involve Leonardo DiCaprio in some way. We also can't wait for the scene where Sinatra lashes out at the vulgarity of rock 'n' roll while "Gimme Shelter" plays in the background. Aw, we kid because we love Marty. Seriously, this is exciting, and we can't wait to see Mr. S: My Life With Frank Sinatra go straight to video now.

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