Marvel has released a series of 10-year anniversary posters, and we have one big question

In addition to releasing what will almost certainly be the two biggest films of the year, Marvel Studios is celebrating its decade of blockbuster movies with a new series of 33 posters highlighting the many heroes of the MCU. But after giving them all a thorough perusal, we have one pressing question that must be answered.

Most of the posters look perfectly fine. They’re nothing to write home to Stark Tower about, but they have a gold aesthetic paired with a “More than a ___” slogan for each individual character, so you can go find your favorite hero, print it out, maybe get it framed or laminated, perhaps get a wallet-size one to pull out when you want to make people uncomfortable. To wit:


And also:

So far, so alright, if not terribly inspiring. But there’s one of them that stands out. Not because it’s a bad image by comparison, or an especially crappy Photoshop job, or anything. No, it’s noteworthy for a particular fashion choice, one that, as far as we can tell, is utterly inexplicable.

What the hell is up with Bucky Barnes’ smoky eye?

That is not a look Bucky has ever worn, in any of these films. Not Captain America: The Winter Soldier, not Civil War, not Infinity War. Did they just forget he used to wear a mask as the Winter Soldier, not makeup? Did they get Bucky confused with Johnny Depp in The Lone Ranger? Or possibly Warpath from X-Men: Days Of Future Past? One would think the people behind these posters had good images of the characters to work with. One would apparently be wrong.

A little digging, however, shows where they got this from, and it’s a pretty silly choice, as far as repurposing old art:

Look, this poster came out before the film, so it didn’t matter if they gave him a look that he never wears in the film, because who would know? No one, that’s who. (Although making a poster that gives away the film’s biggest reveal is pretty stupid. Why not give him the mask, at least?) But if you’re going to just cut and paste an old image into a new one, there’s not really a good reason to use an image that doesn’t portray the character on display in a manner audiences have actually seen. We suppose you could show Vision lounging at home in a nice bathrobe, too, but we’ve never seen him dressed like that, so there probably won’t be a poster of it. Same principle applies here.

Anyway, only 11 months, 22 days until Avengers 4 comes out. Not that anyone’s counting.

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