Marvel released a bunch of concept art for its upcoming movies

Last night, fans of Agent Biff Hardjaw hoping to see another thrilling episode of Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. that would finally solve one of its many mysteries were instead treated to a different kind of hourlong advertisement for Marvel’s movies: A literal advertisement for Marvel’s movies.

The special, which focused on how Marvel has been able to make such great movies and the great movies it will make in the future, was fairly light on actual information about Joss Whedon’s Avengers: Age Of Ultron and Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man—the two upcoming Marvel movies we still don’t know much about—so anyone hoping for a secret trailer reveal of James Spader as an evil robot or one of the many people playing an Ant-Man being an Ant-Man might have been disappointed (don’t forget to stay past the credits of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, by the way). What we did get, however, is some rad concept art. Hitfix has a whole gallery, but we’ve posted some of our favorites below:

Here’s The Scarlet Witch, who will be played by Elizabeth Olsen in Age Of Ultron.

This is a shot of Ant-Man shrinking, taken from a short preview clip that was shown at San Diego Comic-Con last year.

The Hulk facing off against a beefy Hulkbuster Iron Man suit. Smash him, Hulk! Smash him good!

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