Marvel’s Jessica Jones lays the smack down in this “Nightcap” teaser

Hell’s Kitchen is very quickly getting crowded. While Wilson Fisk may have been sent to the slammer at the end of Daredevil’s first season, this inexplicably violent pocket of Manhattan will be gaining a Punisher (as Daredevil’s season two antagonist), as well as a pair of new series featuring Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, respectively. Jones is up first, with Krysten Ritter starring as a private investigator who is trying to move on from her tragically short career as a superhero.

This teaser, dubbed “Nightcap,” doesn’t get into any of that. Instead, Jones is giving a jukebox the Fonzie treatment until it spits out the Joan Jett tune she wanted. From there, it’s the simple story of one woman trying to navigate her way through life. And by life, we mean a barroom littered with the semi-conscious bodies of scumbags she just punched out. Having taken a shot at the jukebox, and taken shots at those half-dozen or so lowlifes, it’s only fitting that Jones cap it off by taking a shot of liquor at the bar. Never once do we get a glimpse of Jones’ face in “Nightcap,” but it’s probably safe to assume that Netflix isn’t pulling a Keyser Soze on us.

Marvel’s Jessica Jones will crack her knuckles and bash some skulls, presumably while showing her face, when the full 13-episode season premieres on November 20.

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