Marvel's Avengers live on in this outstanding high school dance routine

Marvel's Avengers live on in this outstanding high school dance routine

Ah, high school dance crews. Full of the pluck and vigor of youth, and completely unafraid to risk looking like absolute nerdlingers in the pursuit of art. Fortunately for us, that dedication to the craft of dance and doing things no one else would even consider without the aid of powerful substances has once more paid off, as a team of teenage dancers has crafted the finest (and possibly only) Avengers-themed dance routine you will enjoy this, or any, year.

The dedicated crew of “remarkable people” (to cite the routine’s opening use of a direct quote from Tony Stark) comes to us from Walden Grove High School in Sahuarita, Arizona, whose ThePAC dance team (featuring Advanced Dance!) has painstakingly assembled a seven-minute-long number that retells the entire Infinity Saga through the beautiful and details-futzing magic of dance. The choreography is delightfully unconcerned with anything save for delivering the awesomest possible version of this tale, as we get everything from the expected (the Guardians of the Galaxy arriving to the tune of “Hooked On A Feeling”) to the bizarre yet wholly apt (Doctor Strange busting a move to Madonna’s “4 Minutes”). By the time all of Thanos’ minions appear and you realize there’s something like double the number of kids you originally thought were involved, it has long since moved from “Hey, pretty good job, you guys,” to “Holy shit, this is a spectacle.”

Really, it’s ridiculous and impressive and undeniably entertaining, in that nerdy and unabashed way only truly possible in adolescence, drama classes, or possibly Dr. Who-themed burlesque shows. Hats and Infinity Gloves off to the kids of Walden Grove.

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