Marvel's Infinity War is already ravaging the galactic box office 

It’s no surprise that Marvel’s new film Avengers: Infinity War was going to annihilate the competition from the very moment it began its Thursday night preview screenings. The only question was by how much—an Ant-Man’s length or a Hulk’s leap? Having tallied the box office, the answer is now clear: Combine those two, then add more.

Variety reports the beginning of the end of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s first ten years raked in a massive $39 million during its debut last night, the fourth-highest preview screening receipts in history. (Only the final Harry Potter film and Star Wars episodes VII and VIII raked in more.) It’s more than $10 million higher than the previous preview screening tally for a Marvel film, 2015's Avengers: Age Of Ultron, which made $27.6 million on its inaugural Thursday night. “Puny total,” Hulk mutters.

The film is certainly on track to compete for the title of biggest opening weekend ever, currently held by The Force Awakens’ $248 million. Opening on 4,474 screens will probably help goose the numbers as well, the widest release yet for a Disney film. It will almost certainly beat the current Marvel record for biggest opening, held by the original Avengers back in 2012 with $207.4 million. Of course, we can’t know for sure yet; you’d have to go take one of Thor’s stupid lightning baths to get a vision of the final total at this point. Who knows, maybe I Feel Pretty will trounce Thanos and surprise us all.

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