Marvel's TV branch has secret plans for Disney+, and they don't involve the Fox characters

Marvel's TV branch has secret plans for Disney+, and they don't involve the Fox characters
Marvel TV boss Jeph Loeb Photo: Rachel Murray

In a lengthy chat with Deadline, Marvel Television boss Jeph Loeb has revealed some little hints and teases about his plans for the future of Marvel’s TV adventures, and while there aren’t any actual big reveals, there is some interesting info on things that aren’t happening. For starters, he explains that the Disney+ Marvel shows we know about now, like Loki and The Falcon And The Winter Soldier, are all coming from Marvel Studios—the film branch—meaning they’re not affiliated with Marvel TV projects like Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. or Daredevil. That being said, Loeb notes that Marvel TV does have something in the works, even if we don’t know what that something is.

Before you jump to any conclusions, though, it’s worth pointing out again that Netflix still controls the four Defenders heroes and all associated supporting characters for the time being, so Disney+ can’t touch them for a while. Still, Loeb did tell Deadline that he and the rest of Marvel TV were “blindsided” by Netflix’s decision to cancel those shows, and some “things that were to come weren’t finished yet.” It’s unclear if he means that the studio was planning to do more with Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist (Defenders 2, perhaps?), but it could just be that some of Marvel TV’s other plans were thrown off by these cancellations.

Either way, Loeb is proud of what the Netflix shows accomplished, especially the way they brought four heroes together into one crossover series (even if that crossover wasn’t great), and that’s precisely why Marvel TV is going to do that same thing again. We already knew that Hulu’s upcoming slate of Marvel cartoonsMODOK, Hit-Monkey, Tigra & Dazzler, and Howard The Duck—would culminate in a crossover called The Offenders, but Loeb also noted the horror-themed shows that Hulu picked up in MayGhost Rider and Helstrom, plus some others that haven’t been announced—will come together in a crossover of their own that Marvel’s is tentatively calling Adventure Into Fear. That’s on top of the Runaways/Cloak & Dagger crossover we just heard about, so clearly Marvel TV and Hulu are more than making up for any canceled Netflix content that might’ve been in the works.

Elsewhere in the chat, Loeb also touched on the upcoming ends of both Legion and Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D., as well as the mysterious new Marvel show that ABC is developing, but he didn’t say anything very informative. He also noted that it’s “too soon” to have any specific plans about the characters that Disney is now getting from Fox (i.e., the X-Men and the Fantastic Four), so anything that Marvel TV is working on won’t involve mutants or the Richards family for now.

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