Mary Ann busted for Mary Jane

Okay, so Gilligan's Island star Dawn Wells hasn't been in the public eye for, oh, 40 years or so. But that has to be one of the more heartwarming "celebrity" mug shots ever, no? Wells was sentenced to six months unsupervised probation and fined $410.50 after allegedly being caught with marijuana in her car. (She plead guilty to one count of reckless driving.) According to the sheriff's office report, Wells was pulled over in October after a police officer noticed her swerve and repeatedly speed up and slow down. When asked about a marijuana smell, Wells said she'd just given a ride to three hitchhikers and had dropped them off when they began smoking something. Police found half-smoked joints and two small cases used to store marijuana. (Note to readers: The pot-smoking hitchhikers excuse never works. What does work: faking a heart attack.)

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