Matt Groening is developing an animated series for Netflix

Variety is reporting that The Simpsons creator Matt Groening has entered into talks with Netflix, with an eye toward developing a new animated series for the streaming service. With nobody talking on the record, further details on the new project are pretty much nil, but apparently there’s a plan forming for two seasons of the new show with 10 episodes apiece.

The last time Groening—who could probably finance the rest of his life by selling all the Emmys he’s won over the years for scrap—set his mind to creating a new show, we got Futurama out of the deal, so it’s hard not to be excited by the news. And while you could make an argument that it’s been a long time since he was a driving creative force on either of the shows that carry his name, it’s also pretty hard to deny that the man has a knack for developing cartoon worlds with at least a little bit of lasting appeal.

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