MC Hammer Does Not Think Iraq Is Too Legit To Quit

MC Hammer Does Not Think Iraq Is Too Legit To Quit

The clock long ago turned half-past Hammertime, but that hasn't kept MC Hammer from steadliy releasing albums (was anyone aware he had nine?), preaching on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, or memorably appearing on the debut season of The Surreal Life. Now you can add "anti-war activist" to Hammer's resumé, beginning with his appearance on last night's episode of Hannity's America on Fox News, where he explained to Sean Hannity his strategy for withdrawal from Iraq. (Unfortunately, we can't find any video of it, so we'll have to take the word of this New Republic article which says Hammer's plan calls for withdrawing troops "fast, but not precipitously so.") The reason he was invited? Hammer's new politically minded video, "Bring Our Brothers Home," where he says that—while he voted for George W. Bush and doesn't regret it ("Cuz if they wanna go to war / G.W. will get at 'em")—he thinks it's time to (you guessed it) bring our soldiers home.

Anyway, it's no "Addams Groove," but it's got a good beat and I can moralize to it.

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