Me And Will

Me And Will

For a genre celebrating carefree, reckless individualism, road movies tend to be awfully similar. Me And Will, for example, features emotionally disturbed protagonists who head out on the road to Montana—visiting their dysfunctional families along the way—in search of an item with deep symbolic significance. It's a plot much like that of another direct-to-video road film, 1997's Heaven Or Vegas, which also concerned troubled souls uniting, venturing out on the road, visiting their dysfunctional families, and heading off to the deeply symbolic state of Montana. Me And Will is a far better film, but it still feels familiar. Co-screenwriters, co-directors, and co-producers Sherrie Rose and Melissa Behr play the two troubled protagonists, strangers who meet in rehab and bond over their shared love of motorcycles and black leather pants before setting out to find the motorcycle Peter Fonda rode in Easy Rider. Along the way, they meet a handful of colorful characters, including indie-film regulars Grace Zabriskie and Seymour Cassel. Though predictable, Me And Will has its minor pleasures, which, perhaps not surprisingly, are the ones generally inherent in watching decent road movies: pretty scenery, a laid-back approach to storytelling, the filmmakers' genuine affection for their characters. Me And Will almost but never quite makes up in sincerity and likability what it lacks in originality, but it's always watchable. Rose here shows a vulnerability and sweetness only hinted at in her roles in Spring Break USA and Summer Job, and the supporting cast is similarly effective, especially Patrick Dempsey as Rose's fatalistic junkie boyfriend.

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