Meet 20th Century Women early and for free

Meet 20th Century Women early and for free

Mike Mills’ 20th Century Women is an emotionally vibrant film about a teenage boy in Santa Barbara circa 1979 and the women who surround him. Concerned about her son’s well-being, his mother (a stunning Annette Bening) calls on her boarder (Greta Gerwig) and her son’s best friend (Elle Fanning) to help raise him. It’s a semi-autobiographical piece for Mills, featuring a Talking Heads-heavy punk soundtrack. Reviewing the film for The A.V. Club, A.A. Dowd wrote that the director “exhibits an insatiable curiosity about his characters’ interests, from their hobbies to their favorite music to their preferred brand of smokes.”

Now you can meet these fascinating people too. The movie opens January 20 nationwide, and The A.V. Club has partnered with the film’s distributor, A24, to host screenings in 17 cities across the U.S. from January 9 through January 12. You can check to see if your city is on the list here, and sign up for passes to your local screening. Just be sure to show up early, as these screenings overbook and it would be a shame to miss out on learning Gerwig’s killer dance moves. You can watch the trailer for 20th Century Women below.

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