Meet Julia Roberts, patron saint of not giving a shit about Game Of Thrones

Meet Julia Roberts, patron saint of not giving a shit about Game Of Thrones
Photo: Mike Coppola

This one’s for all of the people doing something else tonight, the people who don’t care what happens to Daenerys or Jon Snow, and the people who still firmly believe that dragons and ice zombies are just for nerds. Though the rest of the pop culture-loving world may disagree, just know this: You are not alone. In fact, you are so not alone that one of the most famous people in the world is confidently on your side. Speaking with Patricia Aarquette as part of Variety’s Actors On Actors series, Julia Roberts revealed that she has never watched Game Of Thrones and doesn’t really have any desire to see it.

It’s weird that this came up at all, with Arquette soliciting some questions from Twitter and choosing to ask Roberts—of all people—who she thinks will “sit on the throne at the end of Game Of Thrones,” but Roberts didn’t waste much time catering to the Westeros lobby with her response. She initially joked that she’d like Barack Obama to win, but then admitted that she’s “never watched Game Of Thrones” because it’s “too scary” and has “maybe too much sex.” Arquette, who presumably does watch Game Of Thrones, conceded that there is “a lot of sex” and also noted that “there’s zombies and stuff,” to which Roberts confidently replied, “then it’s for sure not for me.”

So Game Of Thrones may seem like the biggest thing in the world tonight, but let’s not forget that there are still people like Julia Roberts out there who think it’s “too scary” and are happy to completely write it off after hearing that it has zombies. She also noted that someone recently told her that she looks “like one of the Wildlings,” which is probably not a compliment, especially since she said she was “at the beach” at the time. (Which of the Free Folk looks like Julia Roberts with wet hair? It’s a tough question, if only because we can’t remember any of their names except Ygritte and Tormund Giantsbane.)

Anyway, whatever you’re doing tonight, just know that—somewhere out there—Julia Roberts is not watching Game Of Thrones.

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