Meet the martial artist determined to keep the art of getting your groin horribly battered alive

Meet the martial artist determined to keep the art of getting your groin horribly battered alive
Screenshot: New China TV

Wang Liutai is a 65-year old martial artist from central China who’s determined to keep the art of “iron crotch kung fu” alive, despite the puzzling fact that there aren’t a lot of people in a rush to sign up for lessons these days. Watch a demonstration for yourself and it becomes even more difficult to understand why anyone wouldn’t want to go through the process of learning, blow-by-blow, how to become a master of this style.

Reuters spoke to Wang, who runs the Juntun Martial Arts Academy, for an article about his efforts to recruit new students. We learn that he’s practiced the 300-year old Tongbeiquan kung fu technique of iron crotch for “around half a century” and explains that letting someone kick you in the junk over and over without barfing and passing out is accomplished through mastery of breathing techniques that allow a person to receive “hits to the body’s weakest points.” Apparently it works well on other areas of the body, like the neck, head, back, and chest—all areas less painful to see getting kicked to hell—too.

Out of concern that fewer people are willing to learn iron crotch—there are now “just five” experts left—Wang decided to start promoting it by “adopting a swinging log device in 2016" for demonstrations. While it’s definitely memorable to see a guy remain stone-faced while an 88-pound, 6.5-foot steel-plate capped log is rammed into his nuts, we wouldn’t have thought these clips would be great recruiting tools. And yet, Wang and his fellow iron crotch masters have “[gained] several new students in cities across the country” thanks to their demonstrations.

Wang “has two children [and] insists that with the correct methods and sufficient practice,” doing stuff like smashing a giant log into your genitals “does not hurt and has no effect on fertility.” He also says that, “when you practice iron crotch kung fu, as long as you push yourself, you will feel great” and that his dream is for students to learn the techniques behind iron crotch to “carry it forward and spread it to the whole country and the world.”

If you’re understandably eager to sign up for iron crotch classes and help make Wang’s dreams come true, you can read more about the practice at Reuters.

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