Meghan McCain is back on The View. It's going as well as you'd expect

Meghan McCain is back on The View. It's going as well as you'd expect
Meghan McCain in 2018. Photo: Cindy Ord/Getty Images for SiriusXM

Meghan McCain became a mom in late September, which means she’s spent the past three months on maternity leave raising little Liberty Sage McCain Domenech. But this week McCain returned to her job as the sole Republican voice on The View’s co-host panel. McCain has always butted heads with her more liberal Democrats sitting next to her (or in the Zoom box next to her, in this case), but it appears McCain’s 90-day absence did not make the heart grow fonder.

McCain’s first day back apparently went smoothly enough, but by day two it was evident co-host Joy Behar did not miss her tense sniping with McCain. On Tuesday, Behar began speaking about how the Republican Party is in “much more trouble” than the Democratic Party because “you have traitors…” In a video posted on Twitter, you can see McCain interject with, “Are you kidding me? You have AOC…” Then they just start talking over each other until McCain sarcastically adds, “Joy, you missed me so much when I was on maternity leave. You missed me so much. You missed fighting with me…” To which Behar responds, “I did not. I did not miss you. Zero.” Behar’s pointed and sincere sentiments catch McCain off guard, the latter calling the former “nasty.”

Today didn’t go much better for McCain, though it appears it didn’t escalate to name-calling (at least on camera). At the end of an interview with the Democratic Party’s new savior in the Senate, Georgia senator-elect Rev. Raphael Warnock, McCain was concerned because “progressives across the country are celebrating that your election could
mean adding two states, eliminating the filibuster and packing the
Supreme Court with more members. Chuck Schumer this morning tweeted,
quote, ‘buckle up.’” She wanted to know if Warnock will support those proposals. Warnock continued to turn the focus of the interview back to healthcare and the pandemic. The video below picks up just before McCain attempts to ask her question a third time, “I’m just asking you a direct question. I just wanted to know if you…” It’s at this point Whoopi Goldberg, the unfortunate soul officially tasked by producers to keep The View on the tracks and on schedule, interjects to wrap up the segment. “Well, I’m just going to…” McCain keeps going. “Actually, I’m…I’m going to end this.” McCain quiets, but not quickly enough for Whoopi. “Hey, listen!” Whoopi yells in frustration. “We’re going to say thanks to the
senator-elect, Rev. Raphael Warnock.”

You should watch the video for Whoopi’s WTF face at the very end as poor
senator-elect Warnock unknowingly smiles and says it’s “great to be on The View!”

McCain may disagree.

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