Melania Trump insists she’s thrilled about finally moving into the White House

The day of reckoning and unpacking is upon Melania Trump, as NBC News reports the current First Lady has finally picked up stakes from the sleepy hamlet of New York City to settle into her new abode in Washington D.C. Apparently, the move didn’t happen at any other point in the five months since the inauguration to allow their son, Barron, a chance to finish the school year. He’ll be starting a new school in the fall, but in the meantime, his mom wants to make it clear that the White House is exactly where she wants to be, with her husband, Donald Trump.

Yes, this dimly-lit photo is proof positive that Melania Trump is thrilled about her new Pennsylvania Avenue digs, where she’ll live, with the president, for the next four years or so. There is nothing wistful about the image’s point of view, which is from the inside looking out, and not, say, of a family dinner or a stroll through the Rose Garden, while the latter still exists. The First Lady is totally psyched—just look at that exclamation point. Now we just have to wait for the Twitter poll with suggestions about how to decorate their separate bedrooms.

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