Melania Trump liked a tweet about the miserable state of her marriage

Unlike her husband, Melania Trump hasn’t been much of a tweeter recently. In fact, in her personal verified account, the all-capped @MELANIATRUMP (not to be confused with her official @FLOTUS one), her last message was to vote for her husband on November 8, and we all know how that turned out. As of this morning, she’s only ever liked one tweet, and that was the one she herself wrote, saying hello to Twitter in 2012. But yesterday that “like” total mysteriously stood at two.

As New York and others have pointed out, it appears that, briefly, @MELANIATRUMP liked a tweet that highlighted the huge gulf between herself and her husband:

Forty-five minutes later, someone realized the effect that “like” was having, and it was subsequently removed. New York continues, “When asked by Ringer [and former A.V. Club] writer Kate Knibbs if he had any connection to Ms. Trump, Andy Ostroy, the ‘marketer, producer, pundit’ who authored the original tweet, responded, ‘Hmmm… I guess I do now…’” Twitter, of course, had a field day, like it does when there’s any sort of Twitter scandal:

Simple swipe error by an intern or an actual cry for help? Guess we’ll never know for sure, but any activity on the @MELANIATRUMP handle is now bound to be met with elevated interest. Unsurprisingly, Stephanie Grisham, who has been Melania Trump’s communications director since March 27, told People: “The First Lady wasn’t aware of any of this until I brought it to her attention. It isn’t her primary account and we have since changed the passwords.”

Hopefully someday it all becomes as illuminating as her Instagram account.

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