Melissa McCarthy and Ben Falcone already have their next movie lined up

Already on track to unseat Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice from its grim, brooding throne atop America’s box office receipts, The Boss masterminds Ben Falcone and Melissa McCarthy have begun preparing their next salvo in the war for ticket sale domination. The husband-and-wife team have just sold a new movie, Life Of The Party, which is set to follow their usual breakdown of duties: they both wrote the script, which Falcone will direct, while McCarthy—now that she’s no longer busy constantly breaking our hearts by not being in the Gilmore Girls reunion—will star.

The film—the couple’s third together, after The Boss and Tammy—is said to be built on similar lines to Rodney Dangerfield’s semi-classic Back To School. Presumably, that means we can expect the same sort of stuff we saw in that mid-’80s snobs-versus-slobs romp, including a weird focus on competitive diving, some scene-stealing from Robert Downey Jr., and a cameo from Kurt Vonnegut which—for admittedly tragic reasons—will be even less explicable than the one he made in Dangerfield’s 1986 film.

[via Vulture]

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