Memes collide as “Dick Butt” invades the Pokémon world

As the Pokémon renaissance continues, colorful battle monsters have forced their way into every aspect of our way of life—our food, our religious institutions, and even our dankest, most precious memes. Now, even one of the last bastions of internet purity has been affected, with artist Chlorose embarking on Dickbuttemon, a project to portray all 150 original Pokémon in the style of the infamous “Dick Butt.”

Created almost exactly a decade ago by celebrated cartoonist KC Green as an expression of the dumbest possible thing an artist could do with a piece of paper, Dick Butt has had a long and storied memetic career. But rarely has the iconic character—who, if you’ve never seen him, is a dick with a butt that is also a smaller, separate dick—been put through his paces quite so rigorously. Chlorose draws him in the standard variations, of course, like a Pikachu—complete with lightning-bolt shaped butt dick—a Squirtle, and a genially smiling Psyduck.

But it’s when things get ambitious—and less based on real-world animals—that the Dick Butt really shines. Vulpix, for instance, is a six-appendaged beauty, while Magneton raises difficult questions about where one dick ends and its butt begins. But our favorite has to be Chlorose’s take on Slobrow, because c’mon: Look how mad the shell is to be biting that Dick Butt! It’s very good.

[via Daily Dot]

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