Memevolution: Hipster Ariel, Who Is Arcade Fire, and Dancing Thom Yorke branch out

Memevolution: Hipster Ariel, Who Is Arcade Fire, and Dancing Thom Yorke branch out

It’s so hard being on the cutting edge of Internet memes… one minute you’re forwarding your friends a new Hipster Ariel, the next they’re responding with, “Pfft, Hipster Ariel was SO 4 hours ago. I’m really into Hipster Princesses now.” In an effort to keep you abreast of the best Internet ephemera to keep yourself entertained with for 7-15 minutes, Great Job, Internet presents this roundup of how the memes of the past couple weeks have evolved into something better/weirder/stupider:

• As previously mentioned, the Hipster Ariel image macro has broadened its scope to include the entire bespeckled Disney princess brigade, from an unimpressed Belle to a keffiyeh-sporting Pocahontas to OH (original hipster) Snow White. Hell, even the Disney Princes are getting in on the action. This meme is on minute 14:58 or so, so someone better get going on Hipster Disney Sidekicks while the getting’s good.

• The instantly popular and almost-as-instantly outdated Who Is Arcade Fire spawned bunch of “Who Is” knock-offs, notably Who Is Lady Antebellum (featuring a post from our own Scott Tobias), but managed to bust out of the Tumblr ghetto with this video:

• We brought you Thom York wobbling to Beyonce late Friday afternoon, approximately 20 seconds before the “Thom Yorke dancing to an incongruous song” meme blasted into the meme-osphere. Frankly, it’s a shame it took that long for someone to pair Yorke’s kooky “The King Of Limbs” dance to “Yakkity Sax.”

Similarly, it was inevitable that this dancing meme would eventually merge with another classic (skeptical question mark?) Internet dancing meme, “Dancing alone to ‘Pony’”:

Of course, if you want to get REALLY old-school…

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