Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus to be adapted into film, finally bring peace to the battle of the sexes

Even though we’ve already learned everything we could possibly need to know about how men and women relate to each other from The Ugly Truth, Summit Entertainment has announced that it recently acquired the film and television rights to John Gray’s 1992 relationship blueprint Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, a.k.a. the book that failed to keep mommy and daddy from getting divorced, because it was really about you all along. The book spent nearly seven years on the New York Times bestseller list back in its day, thanks to a catchy title and the groundbreaking, endlessly adaptable thesis that men and women communicate differently; producers now hope to expand on that idea via an “amazing film and TV franchise” that will attempt to find the comedy in heterosexual romance by exploring “perpetually hilarious, painful and romantic conflicts on the big screen,” which is such a rock-solid premise it’s a wonder it hasn’t been done before. Hopefully you can keep your own relationships limping along until then.

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