Michael Bay developing movie based on picture book of cool cars and sexy babes

Rebounding from a summer in which his movie about big machines what have sexy babes next to ’em yielded slightly lesser returns than he might have hoped, Michael Bay is now developing a movie about slightly smaller machines what have sexy babes next to ’em. Variety reports that Warner Bros. and Bay are developing Cosmic Motors, based on the 2007 picture book from artist Daniel Simon, whose drawings of sleek, imaginary vehicles helped land him work as a designer on movies such as Captain America: The First Avenger and Oblivion.

Now those drawings—presented as the output produced by the fictional Cosmic Motors, located in the center of the Galaxion Galaxy—will become their own movie, as Bay produces a film penned by Underworld V writer Kyle Ward that teases out their story into something that also has lots of slick machines with sexy babes in ’em. It’s believed that upon being presented with Simon’s almost entirely narrative-free book of cool cars parked next to scantily clad models, Michael Bay declared it the best book ever written in the history of forever.

According to Amazon reviews of the book, Cosmic Motors fans really enjoy looking at all those cool cars and sexy babes, but some have complained that the binding is “flimsy” and “terrible” and easily falls apart, in case you’d also like a preview of the movie’s reviews.

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