Michael Bay: "Hey, how 'bout I ruin Nightmare On Elm Street too?"

Michael Bay: "Hey, how 'bout I ruin Nightmare On Elm Street too?"

Promising to bring the same combination of over-the-top CGI effects, J-horror cribs, and MTV-style smash-cuts he previously lent to remakes of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Amityville Horror—in addition to his forthcoming relaunch of Friday The 13th, shooting this April—Michael Bay announced plans today to create a new Nightmare On Elm Street franchise under his Platinum Dunes shingle, promising a "complete overhaul." Nightmare is just another in a long line of planned "new visions" from Bay's company that includes updates of Near Dark and (shudder) The Birds, and at least the sixth or seventh indicator that Michael Bay is in dire need of a razor-tipped finger in his remakin' eye.

On a somewhat unrelated note, why are there are so many damn YouTube videos with Freddy Krueger doing the Soulja Boy dance? Is this some Internet meme I missed out on?

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