Michael Douglas says his cancer is gone

Considering all of the sadly premature celebrating that greeted Adam Yauch’s recent clean bill of health, we’re going to be a bit gun-shy from now on when it comes to declarations of anyone “beating” cancer. But this one comes straight from the source, at least: In his first interview since receiving treatment for throat cancer, Michael Douglas tells Matt Lauer during a Today interview airing tomorrow that “the tumor is gone” and that he believes he’s on the road to full recovery. His optimistic prognosis precipitates Douglas returning to work later this year in Steven Soderbergh’s Liberace biopic (alongside co-star Matt Damon) as he’s long planned, with Douglas saying he’s “absolutely” looking ahead to what’s next, because “I think the odds are, with the tumor gone and what I know about this particular type of cancer, that I've got it beat.”

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