Michael J. Fox's son taught him how to own people on Twitter

Michael J. Fox's son taught him how to own people on Twitter

If it wasn’t for the hours upon hours we spend perusing the fetid abyss of the internet, we’d say that it’d be impossible for anyone to want to troll Michael J. Fox. But we’ve subjected ourselves to a lot of online trash so Fox spending part of his recent appearance on The Graham Norton Show explaining that his son taught him how to own a scumbag making a shitty Parkinson’s comment isn’t as surprising as it should be.

Fox was on Norton’s show to promote No Time Like The Future, his recently released memoir, and, during the interview, describes how his daughter and son help him manage his social media. Fox says he usually ignores trolls, but when some wiener said “something nasty about Parkinson’s” to him on Twitter, he “wanted to answer this guy in some way.”

Fox says his son told him to just reply “SMH” and, after sending it, the troll “answers me back [to write] ‘this is the funniest thing I’ve ever read in my life, you’re the king of the internet, I apologize for anything I said to you, blah, blah, blah.” The actor, unversed in the lingo of the online, says he didn’t know what “SMH” meant and had to ask his son to explain. “He said, ‘Shaking my head.’”

This is an exceptional comeback. Other children, with less kind and wholesome fathers, may have suggested lowering to the jerk’s level, maybe just replying with goatse or a terse, “fukk u.” But, the Fox family are better and cleverer than that, turning the troll’s heartless comment back on them rather than taking the time-honored but less nuanced approach of sending that photo of shit coming out of a pig’s ass we might’ve gone for.

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