Michael Moore and Mark Ruffalo took a Broadway audience out to protest Trump Tower tonight

Michael Moore’s new Broadway show, The Terms Of My Surrender, ended on a surprisingly interactive note tonight, when Moore—and actor Mark Ruffalo, who happened to be in attendance—surprised his audience by offering to bus them over to Trump Tower for an impromptu protest of America’s Nazi violence equivocator-in-chief. According to The New York Times, Moore even provided the surprised playgoers with pre-made placards, printed with slogans like “Resist” and “We shall overcomb.”

Trump was in New York this week for the first time in months, as he comes to the end of a distressingly active working vacation. The president gave a press conference earlier today from Trump Tower, in which he doubled down on his “Hey, who can say?” rhetoric from Saturday’s violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, offering up a bunch of Fox News-supplied talking points about how “both sides” engaged in the violence that left one woman—liberal protester Heather Heyer, who was killed when a member of the white supremacist rally hit her and several other people with his car—dead. (Trump managed to resist expressing his sympathy for the car, damaged by so many “alt-left agitators” attacking it with their bruised and broken bones, but not by much.)

A few hundred people ended up taking Moore up on his offer, and they all piled into the buses to go chant outside Trump’s home. (It was kind of like the time Andy Kaufman took his audience out for milk and cookies, except with a lot more political rage.) They were joined by a few other celebrities also in the middle of Broadway runs, including Olivia Wilde and Zoe Kazan.

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