Michael Moore: Downsize This!

Michael Moore: Downsize This!

Michael Moore, the man behind Roger & Me and the sorely missed TV Nation, continues to adhere to the standard of sharp political satire set by his earlier work with his first book. Downsize This! collects 35 short essays, almost all of which are pointed attacks upon whomever raises Moore's ire at the moment (big business, Republicans, Democrats, militias, etc.). With titles such as "If Clinton Had Balls…" and "Why Doesn't GM Sell Crack?" the collection is consistent both in its political insightfulness and its humor. It's unfortunate that Downsize This! will likely be placed on bookstore shelves somewhere between Tim Allen's memoirs and the 92nd Garfield collection: While essential and very funny, Moore's wit comes with an uncomfortably sharp bite. He's one of the few true liberals, and one of the only funny leftists, around these days, mad as hell and not wanting any of us to take it anymore.

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