Michelle Wolf assures old boss Seth Meyers that the right people will hate her new show

Michelle Wolf assures old boss Seth Meyers that the right people will hate her new show

Back in her old stomping ground as a now sought-after guest, former Late Night With Seth Meyers writer Michelle Wolf spent an enjoyable evening stomping all over both old boss Meyers and those still squealing after Wolf’s foot-stomping at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. After Meyers congratulated Wolf for her controversial-to-the-right-people performance, the comic deadpanned her thanks, claiming, “It went great and every single person loved it.” Prior to sitting down with Meyers, Wolf popped into Meyers’ recurring bit “Jokes Seth Can’t Tell” alongside her former Late Night colleagues Amber Ruffin and Jenny Hagel to show off some of her signature off-color jokes. There, she responded to Meyers’ own attempt at a boundary-pushing one-liner by echoing the White House Correspondents’ Association’s infamously spineless apology for her on-target act at the dinner, stating, “That was not in the spirit of the event.”

In their affectionately sparring interview, Meyers and Wolf talked about Wolf’s upcoming Netflix series The Break With Michelle Wolf. Asking the writer he’s referred to admiringly as “filthy and mean” if she’s learned anything new about being the boss of her own show, Wolf joked to Meyers that she’s lucky because her writers room doesn’t have anyone like her in it. Agreeing with Meyers that she used to, indeed, write jokes she knew he couldn’t pull off strictly for her own amusement, Wolf also expressed relief at being able to do jokes Meyers wouldn’t. As an example, Wolf joked that she’d wanted Hillary Clinton to become president because it would “show that women can do anything as long as their husband did it first.” Continuing to not give a fuck about what anyone thinks about her uncompromising takes on things, Wolf assured Meyers, concerning The Break (premiering on May 27 on Netflix), “If you hated the Correspondents’ Dinner, you’re really going to hate this show.”

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