Mickey Rourke loses a little friend

Last month at the Golden Globes, Mickey Rourke used part of his allotted speech-making time to thank his dogs, and according to People magazine, Rourke told Barbara Walters recently that his dogs saved his life. ("I think I hadn't left the house for four or five months, and I was sitting in the closet, sleeping in the closet for some reason, and I was in a bad place… The dogs became everything to me. The dog was looking at me going, 'Who's going to take care of me?' ")

Well, one of Rourke's little lifesavers has passed on. Loki, his 18-year-old chihuahua, died yesterday morning. Once again, these things that have comforted The Wrestler have been driven away. Our sympathies go out to Rourke.

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