Mike Myers to play improv legend Del Close, will need a quick suggestion

This is a case of when the student literally becomes the teacher: According to The Hollywood Reporter, Mike Myers will play improv pioneer Del Close in a biopic titled Del. The film—written by Nick Torokvei and set to be directed by Betty Thomas— reportedly follows Close as he “takes an aspiring comedian under his wing.”

Close is known for inventing the long-form improv technique known as the Harold, and over the years worked with generations of comedy stars. Myers cited Close in a 2003 interview with MTV, saying: “He had a great expression, which is ‘The master weaver take the mistakes of his students and weaves them into the grand design.’ What you can’t fix, you feature. And mistakes are great happy accidents.”

Myers—who hasn’t appeared, at least corporeally, in a film since 2009—also has an upcoming role in the Margot Robbie film Terminal.

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