Milo Yiannopoulos gets $12 million investment in ongoing assholery

After Milo Yiannopoulos lost his Twitter account, a book deal, and Breitbart job—no thanks to Bill Maher, no matter what the Real Time host says—it looked like the “alt-right” mouthpiece had been fully divested of a platform from which to spew his hate. But now that the “alt-right” is embedded in the White House, you can’t really discount the comeback possibilities for racists, which is precisely what Yiannopoulos is mounting right now. According to Vanity Fair, the former Breitbart tech editor is launching some kind of for-profit trolling business, with the help of $12 million in—what’s the opposite of an angel investor?—funds.

Yiannopoulos plans to unveil his “new media venture” in the coming weeks, but he shared some of the details with VF. Through the newly-formed Milo, Inc., he plans on “making the lives of journalists, professors, politicians, feminists, Black Lives Matter activists, and other professional victims a living hell,” so we guess he’ll be sticking with what he knows. Even worse is the news that Yiannopoulos is going to take his vile show on the road; he says Milo, Inc. will be a kind of touring platform for “libertarian and conservative comedians, writers, stand-up comics, intellectuals, you name it.” The inaugural hatemongers event will be a “week-long celebration of free speech” near University of California-Berkeley, where both he and Ann Coulter have had appearances canceled in the last few months.

But the far-right rhetoric won’t just be contained to whatever appearances Yiannopoulos books. The professional troll says he’s also “actively hunting around for the next Milo,” because while he will make up his company’s speaker lineup initially, he wants to be able to spread the hate even further. As for how he plans to pull that off, Yiannopoulos claims to have a direct pipeline to “all the funniest, smartest, most interesting young YouTubers and all the rest of them who hate feminism, who hate political correctness,” the latter of which suggests he plans to poach a few candidates from Trump’s cabinet.

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