Mitt Romney and Kyrsten Sinema’s Ted Lasso cosplay is killing us

The politicians deserve a red card for their Halloween costume interpretations of Ted and Rebecca

Mitt Romney and Kyrsten Sinema’s Ted Lasso cosplay is killing us
Ted Lesso Photo: Apple TV+

2021 has been a rocky year for Ted Lasso fans. First, their beloved show that they spent the better part of a year trying to convince everyone to watch finally caught the public’s eye, leading to the inevitable cynical backlash. Then, amid an already divisive season, Ted Lasso dumped that Coach Beard episode on us, and what the hell are we supposed to do with that thing? We, the fans of Ted Lasso, are fortunate the detractors never actually watched the show because they would’ve had a field day with that mess.

Now, two of America’s worst people, Senators Mitt Romney and Kyrsten Sinema, took time out of their busy schedules of killing paid family leave to show off their Ted Lasso Halloween costumes. Unfortunately shown below, Romney’s Ted (which looks more like a Pierre Delecto costume) and Sinema’s Rebecca share some stale biscuits in an attempt to make themselves appear more likable. Barf.

And, then proving what we already know (they’ve never seen the show), attributed Friday Night Lights catchphrase to Lasso. Give us a break.

We all hate this kind of petty pandering that politicians play into. The “Pokémon Go To Polls-ification” of American politics is shamefully disrespectful to all the people currently being crushed by the systemic oppression of our government.

Great, you watched a TV. How very human of you. Even worse, weaponizing a show that focuses its emotional core on empathy for the political gains of two people that are currently making everyone’s lives worse is a real slap in the face. To put it more elegantly, this sucks.

Anyway, enjoy being haunted by these photos. It sucks, and we hate it and think you will too. Sure, this is a bit of a political post on an entertainment website, but I’m sure both sides of the aisle can agree, we adults do not want our politicians using pop culture to convince us that they’re actual people.

Ted Lasso may never recover, and honestly, if this is what people get out of the show, maybe it shouldn’t.

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