Mon Homme (My Man)

Mon Homme (My Man)

In Mon Homme, the new film by Bertrand Blier, Anouk Grinberg plays a cheerful, enthusiastic prostitute who lives for her job. All is well until she takes in a homeless man (Gérard Lanvin) whose inexplicable magnetism leads her to make him her pimp. Although this arrangement leads to occasional physical abuse, it doesn't really get in the way of Grinberg's happiness until she discovers he has also begun to pimp for other women. While Mon Homme occasionally comes close to being shocking, it's clearly not meant to be taken literally; everything's just a little too exaggerated for that. Instead, the film seems to be taking sexual stereotypes—particularly stereotypically male fantasies—and playing with them, although after a disturbingly charged first third, things get so muddled that it's difficult to tell. A dark comedy that's not terribly dark nor especially comedic, Mon Homme is nonetheless filled with striking images and involving individual moments. It just never quite coheres into anything truly worthwhile.

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