Money Talks

Money Talks

Money Talks stars Chris Tucker as a fast-talking hustler who's living large until white-ass jive-turkey reporter Charlie Sheen has him sent to jail for his small-time scamming. Luckily, through a series of outlandish plot twists, Tucker ends up escaping the police, but not without some diamond smugglers on his tail. Before long, he's teaming up with Sheen and turning his world upside-down with his sassy street slang and wild, fun-loving antics. But the culture-clashing fun is cut short when Sheen and Tucker are misidentified as murderers, and pretty soon everyone's on their tail: crooked cops, swarthy foreign diamond thieves, and vicious mobsters. Clearly designed as a vehicle for rising star Tucker's comedic talents, Money Talks is yet another wacky mismatched-buddy movie that relies way too heavily on white-folks-misunderstanding-that-crazy-slang gags for its own good. For instance, Tucker tells Sheen's fiancée (Heather Locklear) that she's "phat," and she thinks he means "fat" and gets all offended, and, well, multiply that gag 50 times and you have an idea of Money Talks' comedic output. Tucker has a few amusing moments, but mostly he's straitjacketed by a generic action-comedy script and his lack of chemistry with the wooden Sheen. Tucker has talent, but he should choose better vehicles if he wants to do more than become the poor man's Martin Lawrence.

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