Mongrel Media apologizes for misquoting our review

Earlier today, The A.V. Club posted an open letter I wrote to the distribution house Mongrel Media, which released the “lost” David O. Russell movie, Nailed, on Blu-ray and DVD in Canada a few months ago. In the letter, I took issue with a pull quote that the company used on the sleeve, an egregiously out-of-context excerpt from my review of the movie (released in the United States as Accidental Love). I ended the letter by calling for an apology.

And that’s exactly what I received this afternoon: The president of Mongrel wrote and apologized, agreeing that it was the wrong call to take the quote out of context, and promising that it will be removed from all future reprints. This is a fine reconciliatory gesture, and a good move on the part of a company that does play a strong part in getting important international cinema into Canadian theaters and home-media retail outlets. So thank you for the apology, Mongrel Media. Consider our beef squashed.

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