
Monster Magnet: 4-Way Diablo

Monster Magnet: 4-Way Diablo

Monster Magnet's Dave Wyndorf has been dealt, or has dealt himself, a succession of losing and winning hands over the 18 years leading up to his band's seventh album, 4-Way Diablo. Drug addiction, lineup changes, temporary hit status, tyrant syndrome, industry indifference/ignorance… The story isn't new, but it's tumultuous enough to at least make the partially solid 4-Way Diablo a pleasant surprise. The title track and "Wall Of Fire" are timeless, heavy, fist-pumping garage pop, similar to what Eagles Of Death Metal attempt, though Wyndorf can write circles around that band when he wants to. Sadly, he only wants to for about half of 4-Way Diablo. Wyndorf is still riding an alternately satirical, serious, and sometimes hilarious "rock god" silliness (sample lyric: "Oh baby, when you dream at night / do you want to still feel the snake?") and baritone Rob Zombie-esque vocal command and rhythm, derailing what would otherwise be a great rock album.

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