Moordale's new headmistress isn't as cool as she looks in Sex Education season 3 teaser

School uniforms at Moordale Secondary? Say it ain't so!

Moordale's new headmistress isn't as cool as she looks in Sex Education season 3 teaser
Sex Education season 3 teaser Screenshot: Netflix

Sex Education’s third season arrives on September 17, and Netflix released a teaser that gives us a glimpse at the big changes to come at Moordale with Mr. Groff gone. The show’s second season ended with the high school’s headmaster being placed on leave for pulling a Mean Girls and making copies of Jean’s notebook with personal notes about the students’ sex questions. So, with Groff out, there’s a new headmistress in town.

In a teaser that’s a mock ad for Moordale, we’re introduced to Hope, who lets students address her by her first name instead of calling her “Miss Haddon.” But don’t be fooled by Headmistress Hope being played by Jemima Kirke. This character’s not as chill and cool as many of her previous roles. It looks like Hope will be somewhat similar to the headmaster of another hit international Netflix show, Élite. In Élite’s latest season, new school principal Benjamín looked cool, but was actually extremely strict.

At Moordale, the students will say goodbye to the stylish outfits they once wore—ones that looked like they were straight out of a John Hughes movie. Now, they’ll be forced to wear drab, gray uniforms. How will The Untouchables even survive wearing vests every day? The horror! But nobody seems too miserable about the changes just yet. Notably absent from the teaser is Eric. He’s a fan-favorite and we need updates on how things are going with Adam. Did he end up leaving Moordale? We sure hope not. And then there’s Mr. Groff, shown at the end of the teaser hiding behind bushes, checking to see how Moordale’s doing without him. He’s bound to cause chaos even while not being in charge.

In addition to Headmistress Hope, the new season will also introduce some brand new characters: Jason Isaacs will join the cast as Mr. Groff’s brother Peter; Dua Saleh plays Cal, a non-binary student who’s seen in the teaser; and Indra Ové, who’ll play Maeve’s half-sister Elsie’s foster mom Anna.

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