More recut trailers

Well, the humorously recut Shining trailer I posted about yesterday was in the process of becoming the Internet's latest phenomenon – some of the other A.V. Clubbers had already seen it elsewhere, and in the last 24 hours I've seen references to it on a dozen sites and blogs. Nosing about the host site to Read More About It, LaVar Burton-style, I'm finding a gimmicky, bandwidth-sucking site that doesn't make it any too easy to learn more about anything but some of the other projects the site owners are involved in. Guys, if you're selling a product, whether it's shoes or yourselves, clever is good, but clear is better.

Still, check out these variations on a theme:

A beloved musical recut into a trailer for a 28 Days Later-style zombie movie


Titanic recut into a J-horror trailer.

Not as overwhelmingly brilliant, perhaps, but still pretty giggleworthy.

Next week: Actual original content from me, I promise.

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