Mormon Tabernacle Choir member publicly resigns over Trump inauguration gig

Controversy and protest continue to surround the upcoming January 20 inauguration of President-Elect Donald Trump, with a member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir—a mainstay of presidential inaugurations in years past—publicly resigning from the group over its decision to perform at the ceremony. Choir member Jan Chamberlin posted her resignation via Facebook, in a long letter in which she writes “that it will appear that [the] Choir is endorsing tyranny and fascism by singing for this man.”

Chamberlin’s letter notes that performing at the inauguration was entirely voluntary for members of the 360-member group, writing, “I’ve tried to tell myself that by not going to the inauguration, that I would be able to stay in Choir for all the other good reasons. “But,” she adds later, “It’s no use. I could never look myself in the mirror again with self respect.”

Trump’s inauguration has been a lightning rod for members of the musical world to show their dislike for and disaproval of America’s 45th president. A number of stars have declined, either preemptively or after being invited, to attend or perform at the ceremony; meanwhile, members of The Rockettes have reportedly protested the decision to have their group perform at the event.

[via The Hollywood Reporter]

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