Morrissey and Pamela Anderson made a video

Morrissey has made the unorthodox decision to release spoken-word video teasers for many of the songs on his upcoming album, World Peace Is None Of Your Business. In them, he is heard—mostly in voice-over—delivering lyrics from the new songs, some of which are questionable at best. In the latest, for the song “Earth Is The Loneliest Planet,” he moseys around the top of the iconic Capitol Records building in Los Angeles, as if to say, “I’ve finally got a record deal after years of complaining that I couldn’t get one, and now I’m literally back on top!” But then, as if to make a comment on the fleeting nature of fame (or maybe the danger of poorly thought-out video releases), he encounters Pamela Anderson, who also looks longingly out at the city. The two presumably became acquainted via their animal-rights activism: Both are champions of PETA, and both hate Kentucky Fried Chicken with the passion of a thousand burning suns. Either that, or Tommy Lee introduced them. That guy knows everybody.

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