Most Awful

Most Awful

Recently I've been watching a lot of the Discovery Channel series Most Evil, a show that boldly counters the question, "Does evil exist?" with, "Hey, look at this arbitrary scale of evilness some forensic psychiatrist came up with. Let's rank murderers on it!"

Basically, it's like a VH1 countdown show, but instead of having Hal Sparks and Mo Rocca rank the 20 Most Awesomely Bad Things That Just Happened, Most Evil has some guy named Dr. Stone (who is usually shown in profile, at his desk, thinking about how to quantify badness) rank people who have committed murder on a scale of 1 (people who kill in self-defense, aka not that evil) to 22 (psychopaths with terrible motives, aka super evil to the extreme). There are also a number of soft-focus re-enactments of people walking down hallways, sitting in chairs, or standing around while measurable evil percolates in their brains.

In truth, the show brings up a lot of questions, the biggest being, "Why does Dr. Stone get to decide who is most evil?" The answer to that question is obvious: "Because he's somewhat knowledgeable. Also he made up a scale."

So I've decided to come up with my own highly-subjective, but very specific scale on which to rank something I am pretty knowledgeable about: Comedy trailers. It's called Most Awful, and it ranges from 1 (least awful) to 19 (most awful).

Below you'll find two trailers and their respective rankings.

Good Luck Chuck

Most Awful Ranking: 19, Comedies Involving Dane Cook Or Robin Williams That Make The Humor Of America's Funniest Home Videos Seem Subtle.

Good Luck Chuck truly deserves its Most Awful ranking of 19, not only because it fits all the criteria outlined above, but because in watching that trailer, you can almost hear Dane Cook's brain stretching to come up with even broader ideas for broad comedy: "What if she fell down but, like, harder?"

Mr. Woodcock

Most Awful Ranking: 16, Sports Comedies With Titular Puns Or Double Entendres That Are Easily The Funniest Joke In The Movie

The biggest laugh you can hope to get from this film is that eyeroll and slight exhalation of breath everyone does to acknowledge that a pun has been recieved. "Mr. Woodcock? [eyeroll, slight exhale] Ha. Ha." Also, "Macho Man" in a trailer is never a good sign.

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