Mourn along with this overview of Philip Seymour Hoffman’s final films

No matter how much time passes, Philip Seymour Hoffman’s death remains a huge blow to cinema. Hoffman was dependable to deliver nuanced performances that always elevated whatever project in which he worked. But were there any running themes in the projects he chose or the parts he played? And what emerges from looking at his final year of film, other than forcing oneself to remember the the loss the world suffered with his death?

CutPrintFilm has assembled a look at Hoffman’s final year of work and the three films he put out—Hunger Games: Mockingjay, God’s Pocket, and A Most Wanted Man. By surveying these three films, examining them through the prism of Hoffman’s performances, CutPrintFilm is able to find a through line and some unintended recurring themes. The video is an accompaniment to an excellent piece by David Costill that talks about the performances as well as the legacy Hoffman has left behind and how it affects viewing these final films.

The video is devoid of any dialogue from the films, instead using a simple music track, yet it becomes immediately clear that without even speaking a word Hoffman was able to convey an entire character’s life and thoughts.

Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Final Year: A Tribute. from CutPrintFilm on Vimeo.

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