Murder At 1600

Murder At 1600

Wesley Snipes is a tough-but-smooth D.C. homicide detective who's called to the White House to investigate the death of a attractive young bureaucrat. Among the suspects: the president. Diane Lane is the Secret Service agent whose mission is to assist Snipes with his investigation—or is it? Alan Alda is the National Security Agency head who tries his best to stop Snipes' investigation—or does he? As the movie unfolds, Snipes and Lane are caught in a web of conspiracy and deceit centered around the office of the presidency. By chasing certain people and shooting at others, they uncover a fairly clever plot. Unfortunately, Snipes explains it to hapless partner Dennis Miller, and also the audience, in scenes straight out of Lassie: "What's that, Wesley? You say the president had sex with the woman before she died? And there's a plot to destroy the entire first family? Good boy!" By violating the law of show-don't-tell, the already shaky Murder At 1600 is lost beyond hope of redemption.

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