My Bloody Valentine reuniting (probably)

Smart gamblers know never to bet on a My Bloody Valentine reunion, but this week the Internet rumor mill has been working overtime on the news that the band may finally be coming out of its long "hiatus" in the very near future. Yeah, we know, we know—that's what they said last week. But "sources familiar with the negotations" say that Kevin Shields et al. are close to signing a deal to headline the next Coachella before embarking on a world tour in 2008. This latest whisper coincides with other hearsay accounts of the "I ran into Shields at a Primal Scream gig and he said" variety, indicating that Shields was planning both a tour, an anthology of unreleased tracks, and two new albums. Today all the blog chatter finally spilled over into EW's Popwatch column, where editor Shirley Halperin says that a source close to…someone…said, "It's definitely happening." Um…so maybe?

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