Nabiel Kanan: Lost Girl

Nabiel Kanan: Lost Girl

An intriguing, low-key, and highly atmospheric—if fairly unsatisfying—extended short story in comic-book form, English artist Nabiel Kanan's Lost Girl follows a teenage girl named Beth on holiday with her parents for one barely eventful summer. A good girl starting to discover an identity apart from her parents, Beth begins to change, thanks to a chance encounter with another teenage girl in a small-town supermarket. After witnessing the stranger's sexual encounter with a random man in an alleyway, and her subsequent theft of her partner's car, Beth begins to question things she'd previously taken for granted. Once at her seaside vacation spot, Beth sees the stranger again, befriending her and sharing her music, a joint, and a ride on a horse. But what does all this have to do with the disappearance of another local girl? And how much of it exists only in Beth's imagination? Kanan's story seldom strays from familiar coming-of-age territory, but his ability to evoke character and location with minimal effort and careful attention to detail remains impressive throughout, as does his simple drawing style. Accomplished but familiar, Lost Girl shows potential, but it will take something more for Kanan to truly deliver on that promise.

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