Nancy Pelosi and Ice-T will guest star, possibly duet on 30 Rock's series finale

Nancy Pelosi and Ice-T will guest star, possibly duet on 30 Rock's series finale

Reaffirming that a career in politics is still the best path to getting a guest shot on an NBC sitcom, The Hollywood Reporter has announced that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi will be a part of 30 Rock's series finale on Jan. 31. It's not yet clear what, exactly, Pelosi will be doing, besides solving America's many domestic issues by trading quips with Tina Fey, but it's safe to assume that—like recent visiting politicos such as Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, John McCain, and Newt Gingrich on Parks And Recreation, as well as Al Gore, Condoleezza Rice, and Michael Bloomberg on 30 Rock before her—she'll probably be playing herself. Pelosi, for her part, has said, "I would do almost anything Tina Fey asks me to do," which is presumably why Pelosi introduced the San Francisco Old Mint Commemorative Coin Act. Who knows what commemorative coins Tina Fey could convince Pelosi to issue this time?

Also, the only other confirmed guest star for the episode is apparently Ice-T. Were we Tina Fey, we'd ask Nancy Pelosi and Ice-T to do "Disorder" from the Judgment Night soundtrack, with Pelosi handling the Slayer parts. But we'll let Fey figure it out, since it's her show.

We'll just leave this here, though.

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