Natalie Portman is a prostitute

Natalie Portman is a prostitute

You know that saying: "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"? Well, in Hollywood it's: "People who make commercials in Japan shouldn't pass judgement on whores." Or something like that.

Case in point: Natalie Portman. (Here's what she looks like next to a monkey. In case you forgot.)

A few weeks ago, she told a British newspaper that she only takes roles based on their artistic merit, never because of the size of the paycheck, saying, "I don't want to ever be working just for money because then you are no different than a prostitute."

So, apparently Natalie thinks that Where The Heart Is has artistic merit. But besides that, she thinks that this Japanese shampoo commercial has artistic merit.

I don't know. Maybe it does. Her hair does look super lustrous in it. (Thanks to Best Week Ever blog for the clip.)

And to round things off in the celebrity-shilling department, Demi Moore is hocking fancy, undulating bathroom tiles in Spain

and Madonna is spreading her leotarded body all over bottles of wine (and something called Un-wine, a product that is deliciously described as "de-alcoholized red table wine." Yum.)

Which product would you be more inclined to buy?

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