Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk’s web series continues to snag beloved geek actors

Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk know how to give the people what they want: Actors, preferably from the sci-fi world. To that end, their show Con Man has added several actors beloved by the geek community, including Battlestar Galactica’s Tricia Helfer (Six) and Michael Trucco (Anders), The Walking Deads Emily Kinney, and Terminator 2 and The X-Files’ Robert Patrick. Also new to the roster are Supernatural’s Samantha Smith, Uncharted 2 and Pretty Little Liars’ Nolan North, and The Legend Of Korra and Austin Powers’ Mindy Sterling.

They join James Gunn, Gina Torres, Sean Maher (all of Firefly), Seth Green (who is slowly but surely conquering voice-actor nerdom), Amy Acker (of Dollhouse and Angel), and ultimate geek actor Felicia Day.

The Indigogo campaign for Con Man asked for $425,ooo; with 11 days left, the current total stands at $2,470,239. In the series, Tudyk plays a fictionalized version of himself, an actor on the convention circuit who played a spaceship pilot on a show called Spectrum that was unjustly canceled by a network. Fillon plays his best friend, who played the captain on the show and who has gone on to great success. Filming begins in June.

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