NBC developing 1960s Playboy bunny drama

NBC is developing an hourlong series about three women working as bunnies in the New York’s Playboy Clubs of the 1960s—a time when gender identity was as narrowly defined as a man’s necktie, and every conversation between a man and a woman was fraught with pre-sexual revolution conflict, which just made things even sexxxier. Of course, this show will be on network television, so it won’t be too sexy: In fact, it will be a lot like reading Playboy for the tips on your stereo equipment and the Norman Mailer stories.

Anyway, the cleverly titled Playboy is just the latest series to chase some of that sweet, sweet Mad Men art direction and “changing mores” dramatic action: ABC is also prepping Pan Am, about a group of wild stewardesses (and token stewards) working in the diverse and socially poignant skies, while as previously reported, Starz just bought the American Tabloid-esque Magic City. The show also comes at a time when Playboy itself would probably love nothing more than to go back to the 1960s and similarly forget the last 50 years ever happened.

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