NBC forced to buy hornymanatee.com after Conan bit; actually uses it

Somehow missed a couple days ago but too funny not to mention here: After Conan O'Brien plugged a fictitious manatee-porn website on his show, NBC learned that federal regulations required it to buy the domain name, The New York Times reports. You'd think a major network would just park it on a domain name like this and keep things quiet, but hell no. Because you can always count on Conan and his folks to make the most of a ridiculously stupid thing (that's the highest of compliments, really), here it is: hornymanatee.com. Shaved manatees, schoolgirl manatees, twin manatees—they're all there for your viewing pleasure. To demonstrate just how late this post is, the site's already had millions of hits.

Via Radar Online.

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